Hello, my name is Alex, but known as AlexFlipnote over the internet. I'm a Developer that spends time coding scripts and building websites. Been coding for around [INSERT TIME HERE, YES] now and still on the road to learn more. Current coding languages I know fair enough are HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Python and SQL.
The only bot your Discord would ever need, it's time to ditch Mee6 and Tickets
Python library that handles interactions from Discord POST requests.
A kawaii bot that makes your server more kawaii
Python SQLite combined with syntax compared to asyncpg progject
Reads key-value pairs from a .env file and supports multiple values with dynamic interpolation.
🎨 A clean CSS framework made to be dark, responsive and easy to build with.
A simple bot script that makes you gain the 'Active Developer' badge on Discord
neofetch, but for Windows
Reads key-value pairs from a .env file and supports multiple values with dynamic interpolation.
Making it possible to use Linux df & du command on Windows